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Sent to us by Frank Roche


Began in December 2004 by Captain Earl Morse, USAF, Retired, the Honor Flight Networks aim is to bring as many World War II veterans as possible to Washington, DC to visit the National World War II Memorial. What started as a few veterans flying in small planes has grown to a nationwide network using commercially chartered aircraft for most of their flights.  There is one stipulation, it is all free of charge to the veterans.  That's right it's free to all World War II vets.  By the end of 2009 they hope to have transported more than 42,000 vets to see the National World War II Memorial land the other memorials in Washington.  For more information contact:


        Phone: 937-521-2400



        Write to: Honor Flight, Inc.

                     300 E. Auburn Avenue

                      Springfield, OH  45505-4703